
Kashrut & Shabbat

Kashrut, T’fillot and Shabbat

Food and Kashrut on land tours.

We aim to prepare healthy and nutritious meals with salads, carbohydrates, and a protein of either fish or chicken at dinners. Unless otherwise stated the meals are tasty but should not be considered gourmet. Either tour escorts who are observant and have been trained to supervise and prepare kosher meals or mashgichiim accompany us on our trips. When we are in locations without kosher restaurants, we prepare fresh kosher meals (generally fresh fish) with all the accompaniments, prepared with our kosher cookery, some basic items do not have a teudat kashrut (Europe, Asia mostly)  but are accepted by various authorities. Kosher restaurants, when available, are generally under the supervision of Chabad or the local rabbinate. AACI does not guarantee glatt yisroel, pat lechem, or cholov yisrael. Please feel free to enquire about specific trips before you travel.

AACI takes kashrut, t’fillot and Shabbat very seriously, and all our tours are kosher and Shabbat-observant whilst allowing the individual freedom of choice.

Kashrut on cruises is under the supervision of the relevant and respectable kashrut supervisors and are generally glatt kosher.

T’fillot. We always endeavor to have daily minyanim.

Shabbat. We usually daven with the local Jewish community. However, in cases where there has not been a local shul, we have brought a Sefer Torah with us.

Meals. All trips include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  • Breakfast is generally an expanded continental breakfast with salads, fresh fruits, cereals, kosher cheeses, breads, hard-boiled eggs, and in most cases, freshly prepared cooked eggs and omelets.
  • Lunches are usually sandwiches with options of tuna, peanut butter, egg or cheese, fruits, etc. We do eat in kosher restaurants occasionally, when time and location allow.
  • Dinners consist of three or more courses, such as soups/salads, main courses with side dishes, and desserts.
  • Shabbat meals are generally with the local Jewish community or catered to our hotel.

Special food requests: We try to accommodate the needs of special dietary issues whenever possible.